06/06/2024 09:30 am - 12:30 pm
Dive into our FREE “How to Kickstart Digital Transformation” workshop!
To energise participants into thinking differently about what digital transformation means to you and your sector.
This workshop will create a space where all ideas are accepted and on the table.
In this workshop hosted by Phil Veal we are here to inspire you to think differently about how digital transformation can impact your work and industry. We aim to create an open and welcoming environment where everyone’s ideas are valued.
Through engaging activities like Lego Serious Play, we’ll explore various scenarios and map out innovative approaches to digital transformation right before your eyes. You’ll learn practical ways to initiate change and evolve gradually towards a more digital future.
Let’s take the first steps towards transforming your business!
This event is part of the Tees Valley Digital Transformation programme. Support is fully funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and is delivered by Like Us Ltd on behalf of the Tees Valley Mayor and Combined Authority, and the Tees Valley Business Board.