
Evaluation & Research

Our Evaluation & Research Services…

Our specialised services provide robust insights into the outcomes and achievements of projects.

Leveraging a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, we conduct comprehensive assessments to measure the success of interventions, identify areas for improvement, and capture valuable learnings.

Our evidence-based approach enables authorities and government departments to make informed decisions, refine strategies, and continuously enhance the effectiveness of their business support efforts.

Easy Targets:

Work with like us and get access to our in house professional research team to find specific and hard to reach target audiences.

Stay up to date:

We'll undertake real-time research and longitudinal evaluations with every contract.

Genuine Return on YOUR investment:

Like us has an outstanding track record of analysing value for money and ROI for public funds. You can rest assured that by working with us you'll be getting bang for you buck!

Get in touch

Contact us to unlock unparalleled business support that will drive your success and exceed your expectations. Together, we will pave the way for a prosperous future.

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