Fund Design & Fund Management

Digital Transformation

These services aid authorities and government departments in establishing and administering funding mechanisms, which, in turn, support economic regeneration and business growth.

Like Us works closely alongside all of our clients to understand their objectives, funding priorities, and desired outcomes.

By utilising our knowledge of financial management and economic development, we will design funds that align with your strategic goals while ensuring the optimal use of resources.

Our approach to fund management is not just about the end result. It’s a comprehensive process that includes the application process, due diligence, performance monitoring, and impact assessments.

This level of detail ensures effective resource allocation and accountability.

Get Funding:

Like Us has won esteemed awards in development and innovation, as well as for bespoke fund management processes, we can help with all your business funding needs, get in touch today to see how we can help you.

Journey Like Us:

We will ensure each client has an efficient, seamless journey with us, through every step of the tailored business support you receive. We will continue to work hard to ensure that everything runs smoothly, allowing you to maintain and improve your company's reputation.

Secure, Quality Systems:

We will ensure that all of your systems are secure and that each process complies with the FCA, IS09001, IS027001, Cyber Essentials, and Cyber Essentials Plus.


Get in touch

Contact us to unlock unparalleled business support that will drive your success and exceed your expectations. Together, we will pave the way for a prosperous future.
